Full Spectrum Self Care Checklist

Last article, we introduced the idea of self-care and how positively influential it can be in someone’s life, when properly implemented. While we gave a few tips and ideas, here and there, this article will exclusively talk about ideas and ways to incorporate self care into your life. From big life adjustments to small steps, below is a list of all the ways you can continue to practice prioritizing yourself, including your health- mentally and physically and find a balance between being there for yourself just as much you are for others/ those you love! Check out the list below and share some of your own creative ideas and suggestions within the discussion forum. A major part of getting started on your self-care or self-discovery journey is having a strong support system to guide and motivate you along the way!

SELF CARE Checklist

These self care ideas were hand-picked from various articles on self-care. The following list is created essentially as a checklist for anyone to print out and use whilst on their self-care journey. Please note that the blank boxes are space for you to include your own ideas! 

  1. Read a few chapters of a book or magazine 

  2. Laugh!

  3. Just. Sit. Breathe.

  4. Stay hydrated

  5. Take a bubble bath and if you’re feeling fancy, include some candles and calming music

  6. #TreatYoSelf

  7. Buy a bouquet of fresh flowers for yourself

  8. Cuddle or spend quality time with a loved one

  9. Take a leisurely walk without a destination in mind

  10. Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a long time

  11. Give yourself permission to binge watch your latest show obsession without guilt

  12. Take a nap

  13. Get active

  14. Don’t shrug off happiness. Embrace it!

  15. Change your diet. Try new foods and new ways to eat good and healthy

  16. Remove yourself some toxic or undesirable situations

  17. Get to know your inner child

  18. Order in dinner

  19. Set a timer and journal. Write it out!

  20. Create a new playlist 

  21. Do something crafty, like coloring, knitting, sewing, painting, scrapbooking

  22. Visit your local library or bookstore. Sit in a comfy chair and read

  23. Unpack your feelings with a therapist and feel no shame about it!

  24. Watch funny YouTube videos

  25. Stay away from the news and social media for a while

  26. Take more photos for documentation of your personal growth and adventures 

  27. Have a dance party to your favorite music

  28. Meditate 

  29. Hug your children. Hug yourself

  30. Engage in passions and projects that reaffirm your greatness

  31. Find a mentor or become one

  32. Organize and declutter your calendar, leaving time slots for you to recharge

  33. Take a mental wealth day—and feel not an ounce of guilt about it

  34. Burn a candle or diffuse some oils that have scents that bring you joy

  35. Declutter a spot in my house that’s been bugging me

  36. Learn a language

  37. Plan that vacation or short trip (post Covid)

  38. Sit in your emotions, no matter how painful. Welcome your joy, tears, and frustration. 

  39. Say “No”

  40. Spend time with your favorite person or furry friend

  41. Listen to mindfulness playlist as you perform your everyday tasks

N'nyreeimaan Najee'ullah